Styles of Yoga I teach

I offer Yoga sessions in different styles. Explore below to find your perfect fit and what’s currently on offer.


In Hatha, we will begin with Pranayama breath work. Take time to notice what’s happening in the body and mind before we start the physical practice. We will move in a gentle and conscientious way. In this practice we allow each Asana to be held from 30 seconds to 1 minute to give the body and the mind time to really relax into the pose. This can allow us to simultaneously soften and strengthen. It can be a very meditative experience as we learn to let go and sit with discomfort.

We then finish with breath Savasana and some guided meditation.


In Vinyasa we focus on building the flow of Prana or energy in the body through a dynamic and often fast tempo flow, with lots of Sun Salutations. We begin with breath work and a warm up specific to the physical focus of the class before increasing the pace. Each week will have a different focus including inversions, arm balance, twists, back bends and standing balance. We then slowdown and end with Asanas low to the ground and 5-10 minutes in Savasana. Perfect for practitioners of all levels of experience.